Welcome to the ‘Stewards of the Land’ Workshop

Thank you to the following for inviting the GRRB to participate in the Local to Global (L2G) series of workshops focusing on mental wellness and life promotion.

  • Devlin Fernandes, Executive Director, Gwich’in Council International
  • Western Arctic Youth Collective, Alyssa Carpenter, Bobbi Rose Koe and Megan Lennie

A big thank you to the Working Group who dedicated several hours to making this workshop a reality.  A number of individuals planned, organized and delivered this very important workshop on Renewable Resource management as it relates to youth, individual well-being, traditional knowledge concepts of “sharing”, “resource management”, “respect for the land, animals and people” derived from storytelling. These concepts have been incorporated into complex modern resource management processes which have been established to conserve and protect wildlife.  We hope you enjoy the workshop.  Mussi cho.

Working Group:
  • Sharon Snowshoe, Director, Department of Culture and Heritage, GTC
  • Arlyn Charlie, Coordinator, Department of Culture and Heritage, GTC
  • Mary Effie Snowshoe, Elder and Advisor, Tetlit Gwich’in
  • Diana Barr, Consultant
  • Wanda McDonald, Executive Director, Gwich’in Renewable Resources Board
Workshop Contributors:
  • Jessi Pascal, Environmental Coordinator, Gwich’in Renewable Resources Board
  • Melanie Bonnetplume, Admin., Gwich’in Renewable Resources Board
  • Robert Mantla and Liz Jerome, Caribou Demonstrations
  • Anita Koe, Tetlit Gwich’in DGO, Fort McPherson (Caribou)
  • Chief Robert Charlie and Administration, Inuvik Native Band (Site location)
  • Abraham Snowshoe and Dawn Alexie, Transportation
  • Environment and Natural Resources GNWT (Inuvik Office) (skeletal samples)
  • Chelsea Hermus, Consultant – Communications


Resource links and publication titles related to wildlife management, Gwich’in legends, research reports and publications of general interest have been included here for further information.

Legends and Stories (PDF)


This section introduces a listing of several publications related to Gwich’in stories and legends, as well as wildlife reports and research studies. Additional information may be obtained online or through the departments noted in the publications.

Legends and Stories

Food Preparation


 Teaching Resources

Reports and Research

Hunting, Wildlife Management and the Gwich’in Land Claim


Website Links

The following list includes links to organizations, departments and resources related to wildlife management, language and culture.

Gwich’in Renewable Resources Board

The GRRB website includes information related to wildlife management, traditional knowledge, wildlife policies, projects and research priorities.

Department of Culture and Heritage 

The website includes interactive resources, an image library and information specific to preserving and promoting Gwich’in culture, language, traditional knowledge, and values.

Gwich’in Tribal Council 

The GTC website provides information in support of their Mission Statement.

“We protect and advance our interests through quality work, collaborative approaches and good governance in order to improve the lives and preserve the culture and language of the Gwich’in”

Porcupine Caribou Management Board 

As part of PCMB’s mission to communicate information about the caribou herd, the website includes a video detailing field hunting practices and an animated recreation of herd migration. Four teacher’ manual are included to accompany the PCMB video series.

Advisory Committee for Cooperation on Wildlife Management (ACCWM) 

The following link details the herd management plan.  The site also includes current herd status reports.

NASA Earth Observatory – Caribou on the Move

Map and information on caribou migration in northern Canada and Alaska.


Here are three links to printable posters from the PCMB No Respect series: