Consultation Process
Applicable sections of the GRRB Consultation Rules and Procedures policy are indicated in italics.
- Consultation Round #1
Draft document posted on the Public Registry and circulated to Renewable Resource Councils (RRCs) and Gwich’in Tribal Council (GTC) Lands Department via email for 6-month review and comments (s. ). - Consultation Summary #1
Summary of Consultation Round #1 provided to RRCs and made available for review through the GRRB’s Public Registry within 30 days of the last consultation session (s. ). - SARC Consultation Packages Posted
Once the Species At Risk Committee (SARC) has assessed the species and consultation packages are received, they are posted on the Public Registry and circulated to RRCs and GTC Lands Department (s. ). - Consultation Round #2
GRRB hosts community consultation sessions with RRCs, Gwich’in organizations and the public to discuss proposed Listing, providing at least 30 days’ notice before each session (s. ). - Consultation Summary #2
Summary of Consultation Round #2 provided to RRCs and made available for review through the GRRB’s Public Registry within 30 days of the last consultation session (s. ). - Feedback
Written comments and approval (or non-support) from RRCs and community members are due within 30 days after each consultation session (s. ). - Submission to GRRB
Proposed Listing sent to GRRB for Board decision (s. ). - Board Decision
GRRB submits motion for approval (or non-support) to Conference of Management Authorities (CMA) (s. ). - Submission to Minister
GRRB signs Consensus Agreement and Listing is sent to Minister of Environment and Natural Resources (s. ).
Applicable sections of the GRRB Consultation Rules and Procedures policy are indicated in italics.
- Consultation Round #1
Draft document posted on the Public Registry and circulated to Renewable Resource Councils (RRCs) and Gwich’in Tribal Council (GTC) Lands Department via email for 6-month review and comments (s. ). - Consultation Summary #1
Summary of Consultation Round #1 provided to RRCs and made available for review through the GRRB’s Public Registry within 30 days of the last consultation session (s. ). - Consultation Round #2
GRRB hosts community consultation sessions with RRCs, Gwich’in organizations and the public to discuss proposed Management Plan or Recovery Strategy, providing at least 30 days’ notice before each session (s. ). - Consultation Summary #2
Summary of Consultation Round #2 provided to RRCs and made available for review through the GRRB’s Public Registry within 30 days of the last consultation session (s. ). - Feedback
Written comments and approval (or non-support) from RRCs and community members are due within 30 days after each consultation session (s. ). - Submission to GRRB
Proposed Management Plan or Recovery Strategy sent to GRRB for Board decision (s. ). - Board Decision
GRRB submits motion for approval (or non-support) to Conference of Management Authorities (CMA) (s. ). - Submission to Minister
GRRB signs Consensus Agreement and Management Plan or Recovery Strategy is sent to Minister of Environment and Natural Resources (s. ).
Applicable sections of the GRRB Consultation Rules and Procedures policy are indicated in italics.
- Consultation Round #1
Jurisdictional Review Draft 1 document received and posted on the Public Registry and circulated to Renewable Resource Councils (RRCs) and Gwich’in Tribal Council (GTC) Lands Department for comments (s. ). - Community Consultation
GRRB hosts community consultation sessions with RRCs, Gwich’in organizations and the public to discuss draft Management Plan or Recovery Strategy, providing at least 30 days’ notice before each session (s. ). - Consultation Summary #1
Summary of Consultation Round #1 provided to RRCs and made available for review through the GRRB’s Public Registry within 30 days of the last consultation session (s. ). - Feedback
Comments from RRCs and community members are due to Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS) within 30 days of each consultation session (s. ). - Consultation Round #2
At Jurisdictional Review 2, if significant changes have been made to the document, another round of consultation occurs following steps 1-4 above (s. ). - Submission to GRRB
Proposed Management Plan or Recovery Strategy sent to GRRB for Board decision (s. ). - Board approval
GRRB submits motion for approval and support (or non-support) of posting on the Species At Risk registry for a 60-day public comment period to CWS (s. ) - Submission to Canadian Wildlife Service
Final document is released by CWS 30 days later (s. ).
The GCLCA (s.12.8.21) states that (a) “a public hearing may be held by the Board where the Board is satisfied that such a hearing is desirable” and (b) “a public hearing shall be held when the board intends to consider establishing a total allowable harvest and a Gwich’in Needs Level in respect of a species or population of wildlife which has not been subject to a total allowable harvest level within the previous two years.”
The GRRB has developed public hearings guidelines to direct timelines for notices, format of the hearing and hearing documentation. These guidelines were approved at the February 2010 Board Meeting.
Section 12.8.32 of the GCLCA states that Government may consult the Board on any matter which will likely impact wildlife or wildlife habitat in the GSA and seek timely advice on draft legislation, land use policies, establishment of parks and cooperative management plans.
Applicable sections of the GRRB Consultation Rules and Procedures policy are indicated in italics.
- Provide Advice –
GRRB will provide advice to government within 120 days of it being requested (s. 7.2.1). - Notice of Request –
Notice of the request for advice will be posted on the GRRB’s Public Registry within 30 days (s. 7.2.2). - Consultation –
Consultation will follow the rules and procedures outlined in this document for the given topic (s. 7.2.3). - Amended Timeline –
If request for advice is urgent, GRRB will provide advice to government within 30 days or less as required (s. 7.2.5).
Section 12.4.16 of the GCLCA provides that Gwich’in have the right to “trade among themselves and with other aboriginal peoples, for personal consumption, edible products of wildlife harvested by them.” The GRRB has authority to propose regulations to ensure that the traditional sharing among individuals and communities and the Gwich’in right to trade, is not done in a manner the Board considers “commercial.”
Applicable sections of the GRRB Consultation Rules and Procedures policy are indicated in italics.
- Initial Consultation –
GRRB has consultation meetings with RRCs to create proposed regulation defining traditional sharing (s. 6.2.1). - Comment Period –
GRRB circulates proposed regulation to Gwich’in through the RRCs, GTC and GSCI and also to the relevant government agencies, providing at least 120 days for commentary (s. 6.2.1). - Consultation Summary and Public Hearing –
GRRB posts all comments received on its Public Registry within 30 days of the end of the commentary period. If the Board finds it necessary, a public hearing may be held on the distinction between commercial activities and traditional sharing in accordance with the Board’s Rules for Public Hearings (s. 6.2.2). - Amended Regulation –
An amended regulation on traditional sharing based on input from Gwich’in, public and government will be available through the GRRB Public Registry for public commentary and circulated to the RRCs, GTC and GSCI at least 60 days before the GRRB makes a final decision on the proposed regulation and sends it to the responsible Minister for adoption (s. 6.2.2).
Section 12.5 of the GCLCA states that the Board may limit the quantity of the harvest by the Gwich’in and outlines the procedures to do so. GRRB will set the Gwich’in Minimum Needs Level for a species or population of wildlife according to the calculation in s.12.5.8 of the GCLCA and using the Gwich’in Harvest Study data. The Board may also establish and adjust a Gwich’in Needs Level (GNL – a portion or all of the total allowable harvest). The Board may establish, modify or remove total allowable harvest levels from time to time in the GSA, if required for conservation. These limits will require consultation with the Gwich’in and the federal and territorial governments. The establishment of a Total Allowable Harvest (TAH) will require a formal public hearing in addition to informal consultation with Gwich’in organizations and government.
Applicable sections of the GRRB Consultation Rules and Procedures policy are indicated in italics.
- Calculation and Comment Period –
GRRB calculates the Gwich’in Minimum Needs Level according to formula in s.12.5.8 of GCLCA, and provides the calculations and all assumptions used to RRCs and to relevant government departments with a minimum of 30 days for comment to ensure that the appropriate information has been used (s. 5.2.1). - Setting the Gwich’in Minimum Needs Level –
After commentary period, the GRRB shall set the Gwich’in Minimum Needs Level (s. 5.2.1). - Consultation Summary –
GRRB will post a summary of the consultation process on its Public Registry and provide a copy to all institutions involved within 45 days of setting the Gwich’in Minimum Needs Level (s. 5.2.5).
Applicable sections of the GRRB Consultation Rules and Procedures policy are indicated in italics.
- Consultation Round #1 –
The GRRB prepares for a public hearing by first consulting with RRCs and GTC about the proposed Gwich’in Needs Level (s. 5.2.2). - Comment Period –
GRRB sends the proposed Gwich’in Needs Level to RRCs, GTC and government to comment within 90 days on the proposed harvest allocation, unless circumstances require a shorter time (s. 5.2.2). - Consultation Round #2 –
GRRB consults with all stakeholders by holding a Public Hearing (see GRRB Rules for Public Hearings) on conservation requirements, the Gwich’in Needs Level and the Total Allowable Harvest (s. 5.2.3). - Proposed Harvest Plan –
GRRB provides the proposed harvest plan through its Public Registry, providing third parties and the public with at least 60 days’ final notice prior to formal consideration for adoption by the Board (s. 5.2.4).
Applicable sections of the GRRB Consultation Rules and Procedures policy are indicated in italics.
- Comment Period –
GRRB sends the proposed Gwich’in Needs Level to RRCs, GTC and government to comment within 90 days on the proposed harvest allocation, unless circumstances require a shorter time (s. 5.2.2). - Proposed Harvest Plan –
GRRB provides the proposed harvest plan through its Public Registry, providing third parties and the public with at least 60 days’ final notice prior to formal consideration for adoption by the Board (s. 5.2.4). - Consultation Summary –
GRRB will post a summary of the consultation process on its Public Registry and provide a copy to all institutions involved within 45 days of setting the Gwich’in Minimum Needs Level (s. 5.2.5).
Section 12.8 of the GCLCA provides the Board with a mandate to conduct or participate in wildlife research studies in the Settlement Area. The GRRB makes decisions at least annually on appropriate research activities, based on a number of considerations and in consultation with RRCs, Gwich’in organizations, federal and territorial organizations and academic institutions. The primary consideration in assessing research priorities for support or participation will be its value or contribution to the wildlife management priorities established from time to time by the Board.
Applicable sections of the GRRB Consultation Rules and Procedures policy are indicated in italics.
Note: The Board will liaise throughout the year with the Gwich’in Tribal Council (GTC) Department of Cultural Heritage to better inform the Board’s research agenda and coordinate its actions with those of Gwich’in institutions (s. 3.1.4).
- Consultation Round #1
GRRB prepares for the first of the bi-annual research consultation rounds with RRCs by providing each RRC with information material at least 21 days before their respective consultation session (s. 3.2.2). - Research Consultation Session
GRRB leads a research consultation session in each Gwich’in community to update and discuss important research topics, including research priorities, tendering research and updates on research activities and the Board’s research liaison activities with other Gwich’in institutions. At its conclusion, participants will review the main topics and outcomes of their session (s. 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.2.3). - Research Consultation Summary
Within 30 days of the last consultation session in the consultation round, the GRRB provides summaries of the research consultation round to RRCs and makes them available for review through the GRRB’s Public Registry (s. 3.2.3). - Consultation Round #2
GRRB prepares for the second of the bi-annual research consultation rounds with RRCs by providing each RRC with information material at least 21 days before their respective consultation session (s. 3.3.2). - Research Consultation Session
GRRB leads a research consultation session with RRCs in each community to update and discuss important research topics, including research priorities, tendering research and updates on research activities and the Board’s research liaison activities with other Gwich’in institutions. At its conclusion, participants will review the main topics and outcomes of their session(s. 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.2.3) . - Research Consultation Summary
Within 30 days of the last consultation session in the consultation round, the GRRB provides summaries of the research consultation round to RRCs and makes them available for review through the GRRB’s Public Registry (s. 3.2.3).
Applicable sections of the GRRB Consultation Rules and Procedures policy are indicated in italics.
- Application Submission –
Application for commercial activity submitted to GRRB. - Initial GRRB Review –
GRRB determines if application is to be permitted in a particular area for a particular species or population of wildlife (s. 4.2.4 (b)).- If GRRB permits application and such commercial activity has not occurred in previous 3 years, proceed to Step 3.
- If GRRB permits application and such commercial activity has occurred in previous 3 years, proceed to Step 5.
- Initial RRC Review –
Affected RRC(s) review application. GRRB provides support to RRC(s) in understanding any implications the application might have for wildlife harvesting by Gwich’in (s. 4.2.1 (b)).- If RRC(s) refuse their consent, proceed to Step 4.
- If RRC(s) give their consent, proceed to Step 5.
- GRRB Review of RRC Refusal –
The application will be denied unless the GRRB reviews the RRC(s) decision (upon application by an interested party or on its own motion) and finds the application to be “reasonable in all the circumstances” (s. 4.2.4 (c)).- If GRRB finds application to be “reasonable in all the circumstances”, proceed to Step 5.
- If application is denied, proceed to Step 7.
- Consultation –
GRRB consults with RRC(s) and GTC on the terms and conditions for the proposed commercial activity (s. 4.2.4 (d)). - Feedback –
GRRB posts possible terms and conditions on its registry and sends copies to RRC(s) and GTC, providing at least 90 days of commentary and feedback before GRRB gives the terms and conditions final consideration (s. 4.2.4 (d)). - Consultation Summary –
GRRB posts a summary of the consultation process on its Public Registry and provides a copy to RRCs within 30 days of making its decision (s. 4.2.4 (a)).
Applicable sections of the GRRB Consultation Rules and Procedures policy are indicated in italics.
- Initial GRRB Review –
GRRB provides affected RRC(s) with its preliminary assessment of the application (s. 4.2.4 (e)). - RRC Review –
GRRB allows affected RRC(s) at least 90 days to review the assessment. (s. 4.2.4 (e)). - Consultation –
GRRB holds consultation session(s) to review the assessment, answer questions and receive comments from affected RRC(s) (s. 4.2.4 (e)). - Adverse Affect on Harvesting –
GRRB determines whether the proposed activity could adversely affect Gwich’in harvesting in the area concerned (s. 4.2.4 (e)).- If yes, proceed to Step 5.
- If no, proceed to Step 8.
- RRC Consent –
GRRB requires the applicant to seek RRC(s) consent for the area (s. 4.2.4 (e)).- If the RRC(s) refuse(s) their consent, proceed to Step 6.
- If the RRC(s) give(s) their consent, proceed to Step 8.
- GRRB Review of RRC Refusal –
The application will be denied unless the GRRB reviews the RRC(s) decision (upon application by an interested party or on its own motion) and finds the application to be “reasonable in all the circumstances” (s. 4.2.4 (f)).- If the application is found to be reasonable in all the circumstances, proceed to Step 7.
- If the application is denied, proceed to Step 8.
- Feedback –
GRRB provides the RRC(s) concerned with 90 days advance notice of the Board’s position and invites the RRC(s) to comment on the matter before making any final decision (s. 4.2.4 (f)). - Consultation Summary –
GRRB posts a summary of the consultation process on its Public Registry and provides a copy to RRCs within 30 days of making its final decision (s. 4.2.4 (a)).