Jim Edwards Sittichinli Scholarship
What is the Jim Edwards Sittichinli Scholarship?
This scholarship was named after the Reverend Jim Edwards Sittichinli, a respected elder who committed much of his life to the land and wildlife. Depending on available funds and the number of applicants, the GRRB usually awards two scholarships each year to students pursuing studies in renewable resources or related studies. Priority will be given to students of Gwich’in heritage.
How Much is the Scholarship Worth?
Usually, the scholarships are $1,000 each. The Board of Directors may change the amount of the scholarships based on available funds, the number of applicants, the quality of applications, etc.
What are the Qualifications?
- Having a commitment to a career in renewable resources or related studies; if the applicant is enrolled in a related study, their application must explain the connection to renewable resources management
- Being accepted to a renewable resource or related studies diploma or degree program
- Two letters of reference (if already in ongoing program, one should be from the teacher)
- Preference will be given to Participants of the Gwich’in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement
How Can I Apply?
Download an application form. The deadline for applying for the scholarship is January 20, 2023.